10 Foods to Avoid This Monsoon to Prevent Illness

Street Food

While tempting, street vendors may use unclean water or store food improperly. Opt for freshly prepared meals at home or restaurants with good hygiene practices.

Raw Leafy Greens

Contamination from rain and soil can linger on these greens. Wash them thoroughly or cook them lightly to eliminate bacteria.

Pre-cut Fruits and Salads

Exposed fruits can attract flies and harbor harmful microbes. Opt for whole fruits with peels you can remove yourself.

Sprouted Lentils & Pulses

Sprouts require warm, humid conditions, perfect for bacterial growth. Consume them cooked thoroughly or avoid them altogether during peak monsoon.


Monsoon disrupts the natural breeding cycle of shellfish, increasing the risk of contamination. Opt for other types of seafood cooked properly.

Unpasteurized Dairy Products

Unpasteurized milk and dairy products can harbor harmful bacteria. Choose pasteurized options or limit dairy intake during monsoon.

Leftovers & Reheated Food

Bacteria multiply rapidly in warm, humid weather. Consume leftovers within a short period and reheat them thoroughly.

Fried Foods

Oily, fried foods are heavy on the digestive system, which can be sluggish during monsoon. Opt for lighter, steamed or grilled options.

Sliced or Canned Fruits & Vegetables

These can harbor bacteria if not processed hygienically. Choose fresh produce whenever possible.

Foods with High Water Content

Watermelons, cucumbers, and some melons can be more susceptible to contamination during monsoon. Focus on fruits with lower water content.

Bonus Tip

Always drink boiled or filtered water to avoid waterborne diseases.